The team
The research team comprises of the Project Manager, Semeli Pingiatoglou, Prof. Em. of Cl. Archaeology, and also: †Dimitios Pandermalis, Prof. Em. of Cl. Archaeology, Emmanuel Voutiras, Prof. Em. of Cl. Archaeology, Aristotelis Mentzos, Prof. Em. of Byz. Archaeology, El. Papagianni, Assoc. Prof. of Cl. Archaeology, Pantelis Nigdelis, Prof. of Ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Medieval History, Elias Sverkos, Assoc. Prof. of. Ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Medieval History, Kyriaki Vasteli, lab. teaching staff, Maria Iatrou, technical staff, Sofia Theodoridou, associate-engineer, Kyriakos Frangoulis, PhD candidate, Dimitrios Minasidis, PhD candidate, Eleftheria Kyriakopoulou, post-graduate student and Maria Proiou, post-graduate student.